Monday 7 November 2011

A dinosaurus party

Annie's Barnyard in Fourways
The Toddler's idea of a party was dancing with her sister...
That's what she kept on telling us when we told her we are going to Kyle's party on Saturday!
(The two previous adult parties that she attended with us included dancing, but with disco lights...)

Former children's parties doesn't count, as it did not get assimilated in her conscious little brain!

I was worried about going to a children's party myself, but it turned out to be great fun taking pictures and seeing how much the children enjoyed themselves. They actually kept us so busy, that we did not have time to ponder on the enjoyment of children's parties.

The Dinosaurus Party of Saturday is a party not easily forgotten:

All kinds of animals, such as sheep & swans to look at.
A grass-cutter which pulled some of the bigger children,
but it was fine for the younger ones to sit on


Alfonso the Conjurer with the birthday boy doing a trick

Face paint by Alfonso
The Toddler refused each time when it was her turn...

The party sweets

Dinosaur play
Dinosaurus cake

Eating cake with friends
Balloon sword
That was a hectic party!

How am I going to live up to this? (Ka-ching!)


  1. Great fun! I love an exhausted child at the end of a party - you can't beat that for a job well done! x

  2. LOL! I told you...taking photos takes all the eina out of a children's party. I love the one of your very tired little sleeping beauty.

  3. You see- taking photos is a great way to endure those parties. That cake is fantastic.


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