Friday, 9 April 2010

The toddler’s last day at the baby section at day care

Another milestone! The toddler is apparently ready to move over to the toddler’s section at the day care. Today is her last day with the babies!

This is how we have to let go... Small little steps turn into big steps! And tomorrow she goes to university!!! Oh, come on, Karen. No need to be dramatic! (Powerwoman welcomes the opportunity to help her child into the big(ger) world!)

I am feeling a bit apprehensive. She is still my baby, but apparently not!

The one lady that looks after them at day care is also of the opinion that they are still too young to move. There is another toddler who started to walk months before Mieka, and she went to the toddler’s section two months earlier. She struggled adjusting, crying; and they had to bring her back to sleep with the babies during the day.

I want to do the right thing. Are they ready to move at 15 months? I see that she enjoys doing things with her hands, like scribbling and painting. Luckily they have been taking Mieka to the toddler’s for two hours every day for the past two weeks. They said she was in awe of the other children, and just walked around, looking at everything.

They don’t have cots in the toddler’s section, only small mats. How do they get them to sleep on them? We struggle to get her to sleep in her cot at home...

I hope they prepare their bottles with the same care as with the babies...

No, stop it, Mrs. Neurosis! You can always ask them to take her back to day care if she does not adjust well.

Our baby is BIG already!

(Photo: Mieka with the strong arms of her dad in the background)


  1. Aw man that is a big thing!

    Somehow they get them to do magical things at school :)

    Why not move her and then watch it?

    I am sure she will be fine though :)

  2. It is a huge step and I felt the same when my little man moved up to the toddler room. It was supposed to happen at 16 months but they waited until this year and so he was 18 months when he made the transition and he has done well with the change.

    Fingers crossed for you that the transition goes well :)

  3. Kids grow so fast don't they? I found you thru Brenda's FYBF.

  4. Hi Karen, came over from Brenda's blog hop. I remember when my Danny went to the "toddler room" and had to sleep on a mat. Went from 2 naps a day to one. I was worried, but he managed to adjust and they are miracle workers when it comes to getting them to sleep on mats. Watching them grow is so bittersweet. You want the freedoms, but you miss the dependency. Every age is incredible. - Kristin

  5. Hiya Karen

    Found you thru Brenda's little linky thingy!

    I was so nervous when my 3yo went from downstairs (Babies - 2yrs) to upstairs (2-5yos). Wondered how he'd go not being the biggest anymore. He was fine though. Kids are so adaptable. The toddler will be fin, I'm sure!

    You're a good mum to worry though. ;)

  6. Thanks for all the words of wisdom. Appreciate it! :D


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