Wednesday 17 December 2014

Stunning Tutankhamun - His Tomb and his Treasures exhibition in South Africa

Tutankhamun - His Tomb and his Treasures
We were blown away by the Tutankhamun Expo at Silverstar. This international exhibition is the first time in Africa!
It is really worth to go for adults and kids!

The exhibition illustrates the fascinating story behind the exploration and excavation by British archaeologist, Howard Carter of the Tutankhamun Tomb, the history of Tutankhamun, and the culture of ancient Egypt.
It takes the visitor from the beginning of the search for Tutankhamun and how Carter found the tomb. It unpacks the tombs in the exhibition one by one. It is totally fascinating, and afterwards when we as family compared notes, we found that some of us missed some of the details.

I am only sharing some of my photos here, since it does not convey the splendour and intricacies of the exhibit. You really need to see it to appreciate it.

Make sure that the kids get the kiddies headsets. We did not know to ask for it, but Little Miss seemed fine with listening to the adult version.

I want to go back for more, especially since we spent too short a time in the first exhibition space and could not go back when we realised we missed some of the exhibits.

Kids under six go in for free, and luckily Little Miss just made it before her birthday next week!

This is a great activity for the holidays!

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