Tuesday 6 January 2015

Quotes about emotional manipulation

Hero of your own life #quote - Pinterest
I have a friend who seems to be stuck in an emotional manipulative relationship.
She is unhappy, and the relationship is not doing her any good.
She knows it and says she must be going, but she doesn't!

That's all we have been talking about for two years now...

She is worth so much more, but it seems her self-worth has been eroded so much that she can't move!

I so hope she gets herself out of the situation this year!

I though I would collect some quotes and remind her each day how much more her life can be!
(I hope it is not patronising?)

But I feel helpless watching from the sidelines!

Here are some:

- "Stay away from people who make you feel you are hard to love" - extramadness.com

- "You are angry and frustrated when you question your partner about something that's bothering you, because he immediately shifts the focus onto you - it becomes all about your problem with trust or insecurity, while the original question or issue is never addressed." - psychopathsandlove.com

- "If you ever found yourself in the wrong story, leave." - Mo Williams (Loubis-and-champagne)

- "I love the person I've become, because I fought to become her." - Pin from Sayings and Quotes / Unhealthy love

- "The only solution to a controlling relationship could be to break the repetitive cycle and end it!" - The Telegraph

Do you have any quotes for me?


  1. When you get enough inner peace and feel really positive about yourself, its almost impossible for you to be controlled or manipulated by anyone else

  2. Sometimes we do not see the manipulation before we are deeply involved! It can happen to the strongest of us, but it helps to be able to identify it!

  3. Thank you for posting these...I need to spend more time with people that fill my love tank rather than with people who just take and take and drain me.

  4. I think you can be an excellent friend since you have been through this yourself.


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