Monday 7 May 2012

May you have a wonderful week!

- May your Monday be a kick in the right direction!

- May your Monday be a goal accomplished!

- May your Monday be the start of a great week!

- May you be healthy!

- May you be happy!

- May you be loved!

Happy Monday!

We had a terrible Saturday night with the toddler and earache, but it seems we have beaten the bug! (Without having to go to the doctor... Yay!)

What's happening this week?


  1. Cute photo. My Monday helped me to crawl out from under my stack of paper work. I should be on top of it by Friday. Next Monday is going to be a breeze.


  2. Sorry to hear about the ear (!)... we are pretty lucky around here in terms of ear infections and the like. Many children get them all the time and I have heard that they are excrutiating!

    I've had a big week, but a good one. Hopefully I'll see you tonight / tomorrow! x


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