Friday 14 June 2013

The greatest Dad in the whole wide world

This year's Father's Day is coming up again, and we are grateful to have this man in our lives...

I have my own great dad who showed us how it should be done! Thanks, Dad!

That made me search for the same, and I was not disappointed!

Little Missy cried crocodile tears this morning when her dad had left already. He usually drops her off in the mornings.
"He did not give me a kiss! He did not give me a hug!" (Although he did, but she was still sleeping.)
"He must fetch me this afternoon!"

Thanks for:

- Making Little Missy All Bran Flakes just the way she likes it, each morning, and making sure she gets in something before school;

- Taking her to the family toilet when we are out and about, or still wiping her bum at home;

- Reading her a story or more, each time at bedtime;

- Making great dinners, and "helping" her to eat (on her request);

- Playing ball / puzzles / riding on her bicycle etc. with her;

- Wiping the tears;

- Putting on plasters;

- Fixing the broken toys;

- Watching Ice Age 4 for the 50th time with her; 

- Picking her up, and carrying her around, until the sweat is dripping from his face;

- Helping to pay for those extra, extra music and ball classes at school, jus because she asked;

- Combing and making ponytails (and doing a great job at it);

- Helping with bath time, and helping with brushing of the teeth;

- Giving lots of hugs and kisses;

- Taxiing The Student back and forth to University, or dropping off somewhere;

- Sometimes throwing in extra pocket money;

- Always willing to help!

Your daughters know what a great man should be, and they will go searching for that again!

Thank you, each and every day!


  1. What a lovely post :) You and your girls are blessed to have such a wonderful man in your lives!

  2. Beautiful tribute to a great father.


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