Thursday 6 June 2013

Poll - How many dads read the newsletters from school?

Do you find that mothers are the only ones making sure that the newsletters are read?
Are mothers the ones that are checking in with the school's calender?
Are mother's the ones that make sure they keep tab on what is happening on a day-to-day in the child's life and classroom?

Has this changed at all?
I would love to hear how it is done now! I will give feedback here. I will keep it open for a week, until Friday the 14th of June.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Results here:

Who reads those school newsletters?


  1. I believe that it has always been mothers and that it hasn't changed over the years.

  2. I keep control of the day-to-day goings on but David does know the days soccer is on etc.

    He does read the newsletters if they are on the table but often I read them and then either throw them or file them.

  3. Both Dude and I. I may have thrown a tantrum before about how I'm not the only who's responsible for the child or school or anything concerning the child....I sometimes get the letter from Dude who gives me a breakdown of what to do....


I love to hear your comments :D

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