Sunday 25 July 2010

Weekend of sun and the toddler

Why does a weekend end so abruptly on a Sunday night?

We had a great time with the toddler. Of course!

On Saturday she had another gymnastics class at Tiny Tumbles. She enjoys it tremendously! She goes into roll-mode with the head tucked in with every opportunity she gets. Even before we can get her to focus on a new activity, she starts dancing, rolling or whatever takes her fancy... She loves the new exercises. And of course: When Tammy tells us she is a bright girl because she learns fast, and because she gets the thread into the tiny holes, Mom and Dad smile very smugly to themselves... Of course, ALL the toddlers take to exercises like ducks to water, but we love to hear it, don’t we? (Wink smile)
Upside down with Tammy Smith
Tiny Tumbles

The toddler helped Dad with gardening; watering the plants, her shoes, his shoes...

We had a lovely sunny weekend. Spring is around the corner!

There is nothing as nice as going for pasta on a Sunday afternoon. Great way to end the weekend!


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