Monday, 28 July 2014

In search of a Spider-girl costume

We spend a good deal of our Saturday searching for a Spider-girl costume. That is for a Superhero theme at school this coming Friday.
I was not even aware that Spider-girl is a superhero, but now I know!

I thought it would be easy going to the local China Mall, but we found (of course!) some of the other superheroes costumes, but not Spider-girl! And Little Missy was adamant: Spider-girl or nothing!

I could not even convince her to use the Batman mask we exchanged at McD's to become Batwoman, or to create her own Superhero! No! Spider-girl!
(I thought it was only our Teen that was difficult shopping with, but it seems we've got a match in Little Miss!)

After much searching we found a cape with spider webs, and a mask. We will dress her in black and red. She is happy with the outfit, and yesterday we were looking at videos on how to create Spider-girl make-up. We practised painting some spider webs and spiders on her face last night!

She is counting the sleeps to Friday!

Who would have thought that parenting includes shopping for Superhero costumes and practising make-up techniques which includes spiders and spider-webs? 


  1. There is actually a whole comic series about spider girl. She dresses the same as spider man but just with high heels.

  2. I've never heard of spider girl! I would have gone with a spider man costume + tutu...but yours sounds way cooler. :-)

  3. I guess she knew what she wanted!

  4. I didn't even know that there was a spider girl.


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