Friday, 13 November 2015

Random questions to the Blogger

I was tagged a while back by Stiletto Mum.

Here's my answers:

1. Are you named after someone?

I do not have a family name, but Karen Muir, the swimmer was huge during the time I was born (Don't Google the year, please!)

2. When was the last time you cried?

Yesterday! - A cute video on Facebook...

3. Do you have kids?

Duh! Yes, two daughters, 15 years apart

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?

Yes! I am a good friend to have!

5. Do you have a guilty pleasure?

Chocolate, wine, coffee, toasted cheese!

6. Do you like handwriting?

Would love to write in my own handwriting, but it is unintelligible!

7. What is your favorite cereal?

Don't eat cereal! Feels like eating carton!

8. What is the first thing you notice about people?

A friendly smile

9. What colour are your eyes?


10. Scary movies or happy endings?

Happy endings all the time! Don't watch scary!

11. Favorite TV show?

Now it's Castle, but love comedies such as Modern Family and

12. Summer or winter?


13. Hugs or kisses?

Hugs! Of course depending on the person/situation...

4. What’s the furthest you’ve been from home?

San Antonio in Texas

You are tagged if you are reading this!!

Let me know if you have answered the same questions?


I love to hear your comments :D

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