Friday 28 December 2018

Summer of rest

2018 was a tough year. We are still in the last throes of it, and 2019 are going to be tough as well. But, amidst it all, we are having a great rest and great times with family and friends. We even had three days of Christmas. How blessed is that?

This year was a stay-at-home and stay-cation kind of holiday. We worked most of the time, but now is a bit of down-time. This is the week that we don't know what day it is, what we are supposed to be doing, and what we are supposed to be. I have to remind myself to relax, and not to get worked up about the dirty house and all the stuff I should be doing when I have a day off. Things like cleaning, and fixing, and sorting the cupboards...

No, just rest! A week is not enough to expect so much. We also need to feel that we had some sort of holiday.

Yesterday we visited Silverstar with their "beach", and Miss Fine had a great time getting wet. Today we are planning to do a movie. We are still not sure if it should be The Grinch or Bumblebee? We want to see both.

Enjoy your rest!

What are you doing?

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