Saturday 1 June 2019

BLOG JUNE - Here we go

Transformer BotBot Cocoa Crazy on table with girl in background
Blogging in June - Cocoa Crazy perfect for winter
Blog June started on Saturday this year. I am not very good at getting blog posts out over a weekend. But here goes. I can schedule backwards...

A little introduction is a good way to start:

Karen du Toit @MomAgain@40

I have been blogging on Blogger for nearly 10 years. I have been thinking of changing it all up this year, and starting a new blog. I have been sharing our parenting journey, the second time around, with a 15 year gap. The eldest is already married and working and out of the house. The youngest, Miss Fine, is 10 and our life still resolves around her...

This weekend we had to study with Miss Fine for the final two subjects in her Grade 5 exams. The content they have to master is crazy, and we are helping studying just as hard. Luckily the studying rotates between Hubby and I. (SO grateful for this!)

I am amazed that I still enjoy blogging and all the learning what comes with it! Through this media I have learnt so much about social media, marketing and web development. We also used this learning for a formal website and blog for the media libraries where I work. Changes on social media is constant, and by being active it helps to keep up.

I have met great people through this platform. It has opened up a whole new world of networking, and connecting with like-minded people.

Looking forward to reading the Blog June posts. My day job is that of an sound archivist.

Follow on Twitter: #BlogJune


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