Monday, 19 July 2010

Symptoms of toddlerhood: The whistle and not sleeping

One of the symptoms of knowing that you have a toddler in the house: the tantrum! The shriek which comes with the tantrum has turned into the whistle with tantrum. Pitch-high! I’ve had a couple of “What de heck?”s. What is that? It is a steam pot! No, it is somebody whistling! NOOO, it is the toddler showing her displeasure.

Margot taught me about the shriek. Her Felix is a month older than Mieka and I was prepared. The whistle? Maybe it is because we are trying to ignore the tantrums as best as the situation allows. Not always possible when you are not at home... Luckily the divisive technique is a good one to follow! (Thumbs crossed!)

Another one of the symptoms of toddlerhood (babyhood) is of course the sleep disturbances. Friends announced tonight that they are pregnant, and I was thinking of them after we came back from another late night trip to get the toddler to sleep. When all else fails the most fail-proof method of getting our little one to bed is the car-driving technique. It works within ten minutes at the most!

We did the whole routine of bath, reading, and breastfeeding. I gave up after Mieka was still playing all over me and the bed. After that we called in Dad with the bottle! He also came walking down with her in the arms... Maybe it was the Pentaxim immunisation that she got this evening? Who knows? Parenting is all about guess work. Sometimes we get it right, and sometimes we are just plain lucky! Also of course those little angels working overtime...

Congratulations, Stefan and Irene, we know you are going to enjoy it! Yes, we do!
Even while we are complaining, we love them to bits! (Big smile!)


  1. The temper tantrums! The "I'm going to throw myself down on the floor and scream at the top of my voice" showdown. I do remember those. My kids are no angels and still fight, bicker and on occasion scream when they do not get their way, but they now know they will be sent to time out and expected to apologize for their behavior!! What drives me batty at this stage is the whining!! Oh if that can just stop I will be so much happier! Good luck!

  2. Hello! I'm very glad to say that so far, the most "challenging" behaviours seem to end by themselves just before you think you may need therapy to recover from the Shriek or the Whine or the Tantrum or whatever it is. I even found that Barney was a thing that was requested 5 million times a day aand now Felix seems to have forgotten all about him (I am SO grateful). Now when I am getting sick and tired of something I hear you say "This too shall pass" - and I know it will! ;)

  3. Ai yes, the tantrums. And girls seem to be so much worse (or is that good!) at it.

    I put the kids in bed and walk away. Return them time and again until they get it to go to sleep by themselves. It's a long and hard, but very rewarding road.

  4. Ai yes, the tantrums. And girls seem to be so much worse (or is that good!) at it.

    I put the kids in bed and walk away. Return them time and again until they get it to go to sleep by themselves. It's a long and hard, but very rewarding road.

  5. Yes, we battle with the sleeping! Breastfeeding has been a major help, but sometimes it is not enough. I am one of those Moms that do not want them to cry. Natural or attachment parenting - makes a lot of sense to me!

    I know! Then I shouldn't complain! I'm not! Just stating how it is at the moment! As Margot/I have said "This too will pass!" :-)


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