Tuesday, 29 May 2012

5 things when Dementia is diagnosed

Dementia and Alzheimer's are both being heard of all around us... It seems our lifestyles are not very condusive to our mental healthy aging.

It hits even harder when somebody close to home gets diagnosed!

There is the intitial responses of denial, depression, anger and ... perhaps maybe then acceptance. For the diagnosed person and those around them! I understand all that, and all of it is necessary in dealing with it.

But I have been thinking: What would I do when I get diagnosed? (And now I am not thinking about the obvious things like healthy eating or brain exercises or...etc.)

I have also not researched the topic. (I definitely do not want to step on any toes. I get that this is very serious!)

5 things that I will do when I get diagnosed:

1. Buy the purple hat and wear it every single day.

2. Work on my memory boards. Thinking of colourful collages.

3. Finally gets to use the word "thing" as much as I want! "The thing around the thing where we have seen that other thing, you know what I mean?"

4. Drink coconut oil (or the cure of the moment). All the time!

5. Say "F*ck you, Dementia! I will prove you wrong!" and then living accordingly!


Dementia, I am showing you the middle finger already!!


1 comment:

  1. Ai, our best friend's mom has it. It is a horrible horrible disease.She does not even recognised her own grandchidren and is only in her 60's
    Sorry, Cat! Deleted your post by accident!


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