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Thursday, 3 September 2020

Month 6 of the pandemic

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Not only have we been slowed down in our way of living, but we have been incapacitated in every other way. Our thoughts, our being, our dreams, our physical selves... Everything has been impacted. Covid-19 has put us in survival mode. We are burning out, but there's still no end date in sight...  

I wanted to write more here, and create more memories about our experiences, but I was just... in stasis! Lock-down day 104 looks about the same as today. It's now Day 160. I know it's not only me that had the same experience, and I am in awe of people who could kept going, and creating, and doing things. And sharing their lives! I am still "hibernating".

Yes, sure, we go on. Because we have to. We have to work, if we still have a job. We go to school, every other day. We are still fine, and healthy! Thank, goodness! Every time any one of us sneezes, or complain of some sort of ailment, we first think we have the dreaded Virus. But so far, so good! We even missed the regular colds and flu's of winter, because of the masks, hand washing and social distancing. 

Happening right now: I have to work a full day, every second day. I am so grateful for my job, and that I can be of service in this time. Hubby has been retrenched two months back. We are hopeful that something will be around the corner very soon. He all of a sudden got two job interviews coming up today, so hopefully there's light. This has been very stressful.

We haven't been out that much, except going to the shops. We have seen my parents again, since Level 2 was announced. We are also slowly trying to see some friends again, but very limited, and when the weather allows us. 

Spring has come with another cold front, but hopefully by the weekend we can start enjoying the sun!

How are you coping?


  1. Hope hubby gets that job - prayers!! Have to believe everything happens for a reason.


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