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Sunday, 5 January 2014

Joy for 2014

We had a great holiday season, and it was awesome to enjoy summer with the family. The lazy days of summer gave us a whole lot of breaths for 2014.

I can't say that I am super excited going back to work, but I have a feeling it is going to be a great year!

I haven't made a list this year!
I will just keep on saying yes to opportunities coming my way.
I have learnt that one opportunity creates another opportunity!

And I will embrace "JOY" for this year!
My previous word was peace, and I became aware of how much peace and joy are used in the same sentence!

What is the meaning of life if we can't have joy in our lives?

I hope you had a super ending to 2013, and that your 2014 will be filled with Joy!

En-joy 2014! (Big smile!)


  1. Wel, I don't know what is the meaning of life if we don't have joy in our lives... Wait, I actually don't really know what the meaning of life is, maybe it's what you make of it. I don't know but Joy to your whole family this year :^)

  2. Is she pushing the trolley at lifestyle? I recognize it!

  3. Oulike foto. I wish you all the joy that your heart can hold in 2014 xx


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