About us

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

44 months

Three years and eight months.

She is a bundle of
- songs - the whole day long! Usually in her own language as well! She makes up her own tunes and words.
- cuddles - any time unexpected! We are not always as lucky when we ask for a kiss or cuddle, although we want to kiss her all the time!
- melt-downs and rejections
- activities - always on her scooter or small tricycle, or painting, or reading, or dancing...
- always willing to help - with preparation of food, or watering the plants, or cutting a picture.
- "I want to do it myself!" - One of her most favourite expressions!
- "I want it!" - Another favourite expression (The "please" and "thank-you" are not that forthcoming yet... A work in progress!)
- She asks daily when we are going to climb the mountain, or going to the Drakensberg. (We will have to plan accordingly. Hint-hint!)

Cute is still the best description for her!

(Photo by her Dad this morning)


  1. Oh cute- she is such a typical little one for her age.

  2. She already is little Miss Personality.

  3. Gorgeous! And the I want stage stays for a while me thinks;-)


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